Meanstreet2................ gametypes supported........DM TDM SAB HQ SD CTF CTFB Changelog........................... mp_meanstreet2 ------------------------------------------ added gametypes SAB HQ(koth) CTF CTFB new loadscreen + minimap..... 3 new areas added to the map and changed each opposing end of the map to allow better gameplay........ added .vision file to give a more emersive gameplay..... ------------------------------------------ INSTALL............... copy the mp_meanstreet2 folder to your usermaps folder ----- thats it....... to test on your pc ----- start modwarfare command ` /map mp_meanstreet2 hit enter it will load in.... server install --- add mp_meanstreet2 to your rotation in cfg....... add to your usermaps folder + redirect...... is where i live...... Email alternate contact... Enjoy....... dunny_uk